Brandon Colins Diaper Show

During one summer, when I was around 8 and Dave was 6, we went to my cousin and godmother's Vivian's apartment during the week while our parents worked.  Vivian had a 1 year old baby boy, Brandon.  During the day Brandon took naps in his crib.  Dave and I would often go up and check on him for Vivian.

One day we heard Brandon wrestling around.  Vivian asked us to go up while she got a bottle ready.  When we got into his room, we were shocked to see the crib and Brandon smeared in diarrhea.  Brandon had taken his diaper off and had played with it.  There was mess on his face, in his hair, all over his body and all in the crib.  Dave and I ran down the stairs from his room laughing hysterically.  Vivian heard the ruckus coming from us and came running out of the kitchen asking what happened.  We blurted out what happened in-between laughs.  Vivian then ran up the stairs to immediately come back asking us to bring up paper towels and yelling if we didn't stop laughing she would make us help her clean it up.  We understandably shut up immediately.