Buster Brown Shoe Store
by Keith Montz

When I was around 10 years we lived in southwest Houston in a great neighborhood with lots of huge oak trees.  If you are familiar with the south and Houston, then you know tree roaches are common and sometimes find their way into homes.

One day a outside tree roach got into me and my brother David's room.  I chased it down into our closet and lost track of it.  I hate roaches and just couldn't find it. 

Later that day, mom took us to Buster Brown shoe store.  Back in those days, all shoe stores always had a person helping each customer individually.  No one went and found their own shoes and tried them on.  The employees would lift your foot onto a small foot stool and would actually untie and put on your shoes to try on.  

After the employee had helped me try on and find the right size and shoes, he moved over to my brother.  While me, mom and David watched the employee took off Dave's shoes, we were shocked to see a huge smashed tree roach right in the heel of the shoe with discoloration all over the bottom of Dave's heel sock!

I started laughing hysterically, Dave started crying and mom apologized to the employee asking if they had socks for sale also, which they didn't!