Tooth Brush

As some of you know, I am a big teaser.  When my brother David was around 8 and I was 10, we had a wonderful dog named Spatz.   I could write many, many stories about Spatz.  Spatz was a partial Beagle who loved to run along side bikes and play fetch.  

One summer day, mom was about to take us somewhere and asked us to brush our teeth.   All the tooth brushes were in the master bathroom in the back of the house.  I ran back first with Spatz.  I took my brother's toothbrush and rubbed it on Spatz's butte just as David came walking into the bathroom.  David grabbed his tooth brush and ran to mom yelling what I had done.  I remember following David thinking that I was going to be in big trouble.

Mom looked at both of us with a look of total frustration.  She grabbed the tooth brush and took David back with her to the bathroom.  I will never forget watching mom clean the tooth brush with soap, water and then hydrogen Peroxide.  After she finished, she handed the tooth brush to David and in a parental voice told him to brush his teeth.

I remember leaving the room holding back laughter  To this day, when telling this story, many people think mom should have made me brush my teeth with it.  I agree!  Just so you know, if you knew my mother, she was the sweetest caring mother a kid could have had.  All the kids came to our house for snacks and drinks.  Mom enjoyed being mom to the neighborhood.  David and I never felt un-loved.